Assessing the Impact of Emerging Technologies on Contemporary Society and Global Affairs

2022 First Annual Conference of the BISA International Studies and Emerging Technologies Working Group (ISET)

Assessing the Impact of Emerging Technologies on Contemporary Society and Global Affairs

May 20-21, 2022



Emerging technologies, such as cyber and artificial intelligence, have undeniably become a key factor in contemporary society and global affairs. Individuals, communities, groups, states, and international actors alike all face new challenges and opportunities deriving from these technological developments. So far, the study of these topics has been overwhelmingly the remit of the Computer Science and Engineering communities. Research in the Social Sciences and Arts and Humanities (SSAH) has only recently started to engage more systematically in this area. The goal of this conference is to promote SSAH research on the impact of emerging technologies, like cyber and AI, on contemporary society and global affairs. In particular, this conference will offer a unique opportunity to SSAH researchers to come together, share their work and experiences, and develop a sense of community. Accordingly, the program will include plenary sessions where opportunities for joint publications and funding applications will be discussed.

The conference remit is intentionally broad. We invite proposals of individual papers and panels investigating the multiple ways in which emerging technologies are having a significant impact on contemporary society and global affairs. Hence, we welcome proposals from a diverse range of scholarly perspectives, including International Relations, Political Science, Law, Intelligence Studies, Security Studies, History, Economics, Sociology, Philosophy, and other related disciplines.

Individual paper proposals should be 300 words long and include a title.

Panel proposals should be 300 words long, include a title, and have at least three participants.

Paper and panel proposals should be submitted by January 17th, 2022 to the conference organizer, Dr Eugenio Lilli (

Cost and Funding

BISA members fee: FREE

Standard fee: £40

We have a number of travel/accommodation bursaries available for strong proposals from Early Career Researchers. ECRs considered for funding will be determined by being either a doctoral candidate or having a fixed term teaching post, postdoc etc. Depending on availability, ECRs with a full-time permanent position will also be considered. To provide confirmation please submit a CV with the necessary details when applying.

Participants who will become members of BISA and of the ISET working group before registering to the conference will be able to avail of the free-registration option.

January 17th, 2022: submission deadline for both paper and panel proposals

February 20th, 2022: provisional programme published and notification emails sent out

February 20th, 2022: registration and bursary applications open

March 10th, 2022: registration and bursary applications close

March 21st, 2022: final program published

May 20th-21st, 2022: conference days


The conference is jointly funded by the UCD Humanities Institute and by the British International Studies Association (BISA).

ISET (International Studies and Emerging Technologies) is a working group within BISA. ISET aims at being an inclusive and accessible forum for researchers and students interested in the various ways in which emerging technologies, like cyber and artificial intelligence, are affecting contemporary societies and global affairs.


Assessing the Impact of Emerging Technologies on Contemporary Society & Global Affairs


Christopher Painter on Cyber Security