MA American Politics & Foreign Policy
This MA was the first of its kind to be established in Europe and North America providing students with a sophisticated understanding of the United States, its foreign relations, and domestic politics.
Key reasons to join this programme:
Learn from and engage with top experts in the field. Eugenio Lilli is an influential scholar of US foreign policy, the Middle East, and emerging technologies. Eugenio was invited by United States Strategic Command to discuss his work on cyber deterrence. Scott Lucas has been at the forefront of analysis and commentary on American politics and foreign policy for more than three decades. Scott is a frequent guest of outlets such as CNN, BBC, Ireland's RTE, Canada's CBC, Al Jazeera, France 24, Deutsche Welle, and channels throughout India. Liam Kennedy is an authority in the areas of US-Irish relations, public diplomacy and soft power. On the former topic Liam has advised the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs.
Avail of our internship and mentorship opportunities. To know more about this, contact Eugenio.Lilli@ucd.ie
Participate in unique events. Past events organized for our students featured Bill Clinton (42nd president of the United States), Jake Sullivan (National Security Advisor to US President Biden), Christopher Painter (1st US cyber ambassador), Noam Chomsky (scholar and intellectual) and many other leading politicians, diplomats, policymakers, scholars, and journalists.
Contribute to our flagship media outlets. Our students have the opportunity to contribute with their analysis to American Unfiltered and EA WorldView; two media outlets run by our own Liam Kennedy and Scott Lucas.
Take advantage of the benefits of an exclusive venue. All the core modules of this MA take place in the exclusive Clinton Institute located in UCD Belfield Campus. Our core modules are seminar-based allowing you to benefit from high levels of interaction with your instructors.
Study a topical and fascinating subject. In the 21st century the United States remains the most influential country in the world. Whether you look at climate change, the covid-19 pandemic, or the war in Ukraine, decisions taken in Washington DC have an impact on the rest of the world. However, a number of challenges in recent years have called into question the sustainability of American leadership abroad and prosperity at home. This includes, but is not limited to, the notion of American decline in relation to rising powers such as China and resurging ones like Russia, a political system that appears to have entered an extended period of dysfunction, recurring problems in race relations, and rising economic inequality.
For the full description of this MA program including information on how to apply, modules available, fees, entry requirements, and program outcomes, visit this page.
Course Breakdown
The programme is composed of 90 credits, 60 of which come from weekly small class seminars and the remaining 30 from a dissertation. Students take 50 credits of core modules taught at the UCD Clinton Institute and the remaining credits are taken from a list of optional modules from other programmes. Students are taught in small group seminars on a weekly basis.
Compulsory modules include, but may vary from year to year:
The Global Politics of Cyber Security
Trump's America
The US and the Middle East
Challenges in US Foreign Policy
Research Skills and Methods
Examples of optional modules include:
Public Diplomacy and Soft Power
Media and US Foreign Policy
Digital Storytelling
Students are also required to complete a thesis of approximately 12,000 words.
Applicants for the MA should hold one of the following qualifications:
● A first class or second class, grade 1 degree. If a student receives 2:2 they will be considered but must be interviewed first, either in person or Zoom.
● A US or Canadian degree with a GPA of 3.5 or higher.
● If an applicant does not meet the normal entry requirements of a Level 8 degree, in exceptional circumstances they would present another qualification or award along with extensive work experience in order to be considered.
For detailed information and a provisional list of core modules, please click below.
UCD Scholarships for International Students
UCD Global also offers international students a number of 50% and 100% Global Excellence Scholarships.
Full information on both types of scholarships is available on the UCD Global Office Scholarship site.
You may also be interested in the Graduate Diploma in American Politics and Foreign Policy.
“I completed a Masters in American Politics and Foreign Policy in 2018, having completed an unrelated degree over 20 years ago. The course was invigorating, thought provoking and challenging with a wide range of topics discussed and researched on each subject area. The lecturers are exceptional and extremely knowledgeable, and the course exceeded all my exceptions.”
- Kevin McSharry